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Edinburgh Core Database Group (nGUDMAP) | ATLAS-D2K Center

Edinburgh Core Database Group (nGUDMAP)

The aim of nGUDMAP research projects is to generate data on the nociceptive systems associated with the urinary tract and pelvic region. This data will focus on the cells and molecular level detail of the neurons in the pelvic region. The main objective of the nGUDMAP Core Atlas Assembly Project is to support the nGUDMAP research projects. This involves extending the existing GUDMAP resource in specific aspects to capture the novel data-types.  More specifically, it will provide the necessary changes that are required for the extension of the ontologies, database schema, analysis tools and interfaces, data submission and visualization tools within the context of the parent GUDMAP resource.

The nGUDMAP Core Atlas Assembly Project has 5 main aims.  These are:

1.  Extension of the Anatomical Ontology: To provide expertise and support to the contributing projects in the extension of the anatomical ontology.  This is important so that new data can be correct and comprehensively annotated.  

2.  Data Submission and Visualisation: Develop existing and new software to provide tools (online submission interface) so that contributing projects can easily submit their data to the parent GUDMAP resource.  This will also include extension of the existing GUDMAP database (so new data can be appropriately housed) and extension of the GUDMAP website so new data and images are accessible and visible to the research community. 

3. nGUDMAP Data Curation and Project Support: The existing expertise with in the Editorial Office will be strengthened by appointment of a new editor with specific neuroscience experience.  This will ensure that the strong policy of quality control of submitted data is maintained.  The Editorial Office will also provide direct support to contributing projects in all aspects of data submission. 

4.  Image Management of nGUDMAP Data: Provision of a system (OMERO) that will manage the upload and storage of image data to GUDMAP.  It is anticipated that there could be a wide - range of image types being submitted by contributing projects to GUDMAP.  This system will be combined with the GUDMAP online submission interface so that images, annotations and experimental data are all captured together.  The OMERO system will also provides tools for image publication, download and analysis.  

5. Integration with parent GUDMAP and other resources: Ensure that all new data from contributing projects is integrated with GUDMAP, making sure that it can be easily accessed through basic and advance queries and browse functions on the GUDMAP website.  Provide new image visualisation and analysis options.  Add in new links from the GUDMAP website to any key neuroscience resources. 

Grant number: 1U01DK101036
